
Presents from Alex welcomes Hillary Adams

A few years ago, my daughter received a headband for her birthday from her classmate, Alex. With a desire to fulfill my daughter’s request for more headbands, I had to be resourceful, which I love doing just about as much as I love creating. I had scissors, glue, and a very cheap sewing machine. This marked the beginning of my venture with Presents from Alex.

My kitchen table business was growing and I was spending late hours fulfilling orders while the kids were asleep. During this time, my daughter (the one with freckles) drew a picture of me fighting a spider. She said, “Mommy, you can do anything.” It was a moment of inspiration and I prayerfully considered giving my business some serious thought. This is a good time to tell you that my husband is awesome.

When I was ten years old, I turned my Grandmother’s living room into a card shop where I displayed my handmade greeting cards. They were nice cards coming from a ten year old. Sounds like a typical childhood story of someone who loves to create things, right? Well, this is the part that gets a little weird. Um, my customers were cats and dogs. I loved the idea of receiving a card from my cat and I thought surely the gentleman down the street would buy himself a birthday card, so that he could sign his cat’s name and then give it back to himself. Hmmmmm. Obviously my bicycle never made it to the corner of Art Street and Commerce Street in the business world.

While I was making cards for my four legged customers, my future college roommate, Hillary was hosting swimming lessons in her own backyard with real paying customers! Hillary and I finally met our freshmen year of college, where we studied Entrepreneurship and after taking a few classes together we quickly discovered our compatibility. During my three years of operating Presents from Alex on my own, I often found myself searching for my business address on the corner of Art Street and Commerce Street. I needed to take a peek on Commerce, where Hillary was sure to be found. I believe being creative is at the core of a successful business, but it takes a special kind of person to protect the core of the business. With this said, I am excited and honored to partner with Hillary Adams.

Hillary and I both consider the greatest blessing to be our families.  The titles, "Mrs." and  "Mommy" are  greater than all others.

As always, to be continued . . .

Peace, love, and mucho mas love,

Hillary Adams
Mommy and Mrs.


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